28 August 2010


Yesterday I visited a horse stable in Mazar. The horses were being kept for use in "Buzkashai." It's a traditional and dangerous Central Asian sport in which men on horseback fight over a goat carcass and attempt to carry it over a goal line. The owner of the horses told me that when they are successful in a match one horse could earn him five or ten thousand dollars. The kid in the pictures worked at the stable. He was cool.

27 August 2010

Taliban Embed Video

Amazing footage of a Norwegian journalist on embed with the Taliban.

The Blue Mosque

Today is my last day in Mazar-e-Sharif so I went into town to see the Blue Mosque. It's one of the most famous structures in the country and contains what many Muslims believe to be the tomb of Hazrat Ali, the Prophet Mohammad's son-in-law and one of the most important figures in Islamic history. After Ali was killed in present-day Iraq in 661AD, his followers transported the body to Mazar to prevent his enemies from desecrating the remains. Here are some pictures:

26 August 2010

The ICRC and Humanitarian Access

Humanitarian organizations in conflict areas like Afghanistan face constant security threats that can hinder movements around the country and limit their access to the populations they are trying to serve. Incidents like the recent killing of ten IAM aid workers in the northern province of Badakhshan exacerbate the situation, forcing humanitarian organizations into difficult decisions to further restrict movements and shutter programs that provide critical relief to vulnerable populations. Perhaps the organization that is most successful at ensuring its humanitarian access and delivering relief in conflict areas is the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Here is a very short interview on humanitarian access with the ICRC's Delegation Head in Afghanistan, Reto Stocker.

21 August 2010

Maimana in Black and White

For the past week I've been working up in the north in Maimana. It's a fairly small city of about 80,000 people, 75 percent of whom are Uzbek. Compared to much of the country it's clean, peaceful, and calm. Here are a few pictures we took around town.

20 August 2010

New Threads

Just got some new clothes here! My cousin got them made for me at a tailor in Kabul.

19 August 2010

Iftar in Maimana

Picture of some coworkers and me having dinner this evening. It is the perfect temperature here once the sun goes down so we decided to eat outside. Qorma, Bolaani, watermelon, bread, and tea.

14 August 2010


One of my favorite parts of being here is all the good food I get to eat, especially the meat. Kabobs, Kofta, Qorma, and everything else. Related to my love of non-vegetarian Afghan food is my attraction towards to the traditional butcher shops. Here is a typical one in Kabul I took a shot of.

13 August 2010

I Get Around

Some of you have been asking about the different places I'll be visiting while I'm here. Here's the list: Kabul, Mazar-e-Sharif, Herat, Maimana, Jalalabad, and possibly Kunduz. Mazar is located where 'Balkh' is. And Jalalabad is just a little east of Kabul near the border with Pakistan.

This is obviously not the greatest map, but it caught my attention and made me wonder if there were any Jews brave enough to still be living here. Apparently, there was once a sizable Jewish population in Afghanistan, although most were driven out when Genghis Khan invaded in 1222. Today there is one last Jew remaining. Here is a story CNN did about the guy.

06 August 2010

Back Again

I just got back to Kabul again for the first time in almost a year. Although there are about to be parliamentary elections held on September 18, I'm no longer at the Election Commission. Instead, I'm working on an assignment with the Norwegian Refugee Council to increase the capacity of their security analysis teams. For the first picture of the recently resuscitated blog, you get a shot from my bedroom window. It's the only photo I've taken so far.